Sunday, November 23, 2008

Halloween: A Velvet Pirate and The Dark Side.


It's me, Louie. I thought you should know that my parents dressed me up as Darth Vader for Halloween. I overheard their conversation and it went something like this:

Dad: Louie is NOT going to be Darth Vader for Halloween! That's terrible!

Mom: Oh, I didn't really think about it. I just grabbed the two costumes left in their sizes and they just so happened to be Darth and a pirate. I forgot Darth Vader was so bad.

Dad: Yeah, he's bad. He's the dark side. Louie is NOT going to be the dark side.

Mom: Someone has to be the bad guy. But go ahead and try to find another costume. These were all they had in their sizes and they were half price.

And so it was, we wore our costumes as only toddlers dressed in an all black hooded cloak and velvet knickers could.  With embarrassment and resentment.  Just wait until me and Ace know how to talk.  Those parents of ours...they are totally in for it.  I can't wait to tell them the way it's gonna be.  And it ain't gonna be the dark side and lacy pirate costumes.  

My mom has admitted she's not good at these holiday and birthday things.  And I guess she wasn't kidding.  I should probably be thankful she even took us to a Halloween party.  After all, she's yet to throw me an actual birthday party.  You know the kind with other kids and lots of presents?  Because I don't!  Never had one.  Probably never will.  What's up with that?  

Better sign off.  I think I hear footsteps!  



Amy said...

Ditto, I try so hard to be a good holiday mom, but find it to be challenging. I usually just focus on the easy ones.Hope you are fab.

Nancy said...

LOL! I am not so good at holidays, either. Darth is the cutest dark side ever, anyway. You will remember this Halloween forever! And that's a good thing. :)

Courtney said...

This post reminded me of the conversation we had that one day in Heather's driveway about these over-the-top birthday parties some moms throw their kids. Made me laugh out loud. Their costumes were adorable!