Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Will Survive. Right?

Can someone come over here and scrape me off the floor please? Seems like I'm just surviving these days, doing what is required to live. Make coffee. Feed children. Change diaper. Get dressed. Feed children. Change diaper. Drive through Starbucks. Feed children. So, you see the routine. There is no "pay bills", no "fold laundry", no "wash hair". Well, that's a lie. I haven't stopped showering. Completely. It's an every other day thing. Mostly. What's the deal? How can two tiny people be beating me? I'm the one in control here, right? And the sad, sad thing is that they're really good. They seldom cry. Ace is not completely mobile yet so it's not like I'm chasing him all over the place. Louie doesn't get into too much. But they are definitely beating me on the energy game.

I'm beginning to worry something is wrong. Can Jenny ever get her groove back? Can Jenny even remember a day when the word 'groove' could actually be applied to some part of her life? I have had the luxury of two extra long naps this weekend and as I sit here Sunday night looking at my calendar I wonder how I'll do it. Not to mention the list of extras that I keep putting off - make hotel reservations, birthday gift for friend, set up college-savings plan. You know, that list.

Most rantings such as these wind down by saying how it's all worth it. Well, I'm not going to disappoint. Because I agree. It's all worth it. When two boys, one with starry blue eyes and one with Pete Rose hair look at you like you made the sunshine and the rain, well then yeah, it's worth it.


Julie said...

I understand. I almost walked out the door with my slippers on this morning. You need to make hubby babysit and go to the mall alone. You deserve it.

Tara said...

I know how you feel! Sometimes the days seem so monotonous...change diapers, feed, do laundry, etc. You're right - it's all worth it...but sometimes so exhausting :)

Amy said...

The only groove I know these days is the one between the rolls in my tummy fat.