Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blog You! No, Blog You!

We've all complained about this at some time or another, except those of you with annoyingly perfect husbands (Summer C.). It's the age old who does more, who works harder, when will I get a break argument that couples with kids have. Hub recently commented one morning "When do I get a morning?" (meaning to sleep in, I guess?!).
Me: Ummm...we have kids, we have to take care of them (yes, this is sarcasm).
Hub: I always get up with Louie.
Me: Well, I always get up with Ace, and sometimes in the middle of the night. When do I get a morning or what about a night for that matter, a night not to feed them dinner, not to have to bathe them and put them to bed? That's it! I'm blogging about you! (I jump out of bed and slam the door).

He does work hard and he is a great husband and father and we do appreciate all that he does. It's all true. He's a gem. I'll try to keep that in mind when he's on the lake fishing this weekend and I'm wiping spit up off my second clean shirt and changing the 6th poopy diaper of the day. Just kidding...he'll be home with us changing the diapers, fixing lunches and everything else. I'm led to believe that this is the physically difficult stage of parenting...the infant and toddler days. Later, it will be more emotionally and mentally challenging, or so I'm told. I guess that makes me feel better. But at times it makes us all a little crazy.


Noel said...

So true! My hubby and I just had a very similar conversation. He wants to know where his "me" time is...I want to know where the "me" in my life went. My "me" has been totally replaced by "Mom" but he still gets time to himself. Even the little things like, going to the bathroom without an audience would be nice!!
Don't feel bad, I think we all have to trash our hubbys online once in awhile.


Julie said...

Don't feel to bad. I love my hubby to death and he is pretty close to perfect. Yet still there are the days I get frustrated. It is only human

Connie said...

So typical! It's like you eavesdropped at my house and made the story your own!